So many of you are busy busy busy, here, there, and everywhere. Your daily planner/calendar looks like pages out of a kindergartner’s coloring book. You have events to attend, people to tend to and of course, in the hustle and bustle of it all, squeeze a liiiiiittle bit of time in there for yourself. Every Monday morning you throw yourself outta bed and grunt…”Here we go again.” Another week of the same ol’ same ol’. You feel as though this is getting old . You’re tired of dreaming of your own dreams, having all these amazing visions of who YOU should/could be, but you’re too busy making everyone else’s dreams & visions come to fruition.

Is this YOU that I’m talking about? Do you know deep down that YOUR life was meant for more than what it actually is? Yes? GOOD! Keep reading 🙂

So you may be wondering what this magical word is. This word that could change YOUR life. It’s something SO simple. Something we learn very early on in life. For some, it was their first word. Ready? The word is…”no”. 2 letters. 1 syllable.

Often times we treat this word as though it’s the F word. I can tell you for a fact that if you incorporate this word in your vocabulary, you could live YOUR life with MORE purpose.

Use this word when people ask you to do things you know you have no business doing, but have done in the past out of fear of hurting their feelings or what-have-you. The people around you will have to adjust if they choose to still be a part of your life. Some might ill-treat you because you’re no longer the person they can use whenever they feel like it.

If you didn’t already know, let me drop some knowledge on you to set you free. Your purpose or obligation in life is NOT to walk on pins and needles trying to make everyone happy. You will fail…miserably.

Use this 2 letter word to create a life YOU enjoy. Realize the value of YOUR time. Don’t waste it.

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