See, I wasn’t always this way.
I’ve had my share of hardships, heartaches… valley experiences. Not only have I had my share, but I’ve also seen my loved ones go through rough times as well. Paying very close attention to the people I admired most, brought me to a place of pain and confusion. They put up a front for people, but when I look at them I see. I see how hurt they are and because of their pain, they decided to turn to things and people, which led them to even more pain.
As unbelievers, my family has neglected the very thing(s) they are out in the world searching for. Lying, stealing, fornication, idolatry, hatred, envy, selfish ambition, drunkenness, and the like are just the norm for them. Out of this chaotic way of living comes consequences. Many consequences.
I’ve seen things done the wrong way with the people who were supposed to be my role models and I don’t want to end up like them. Sad to say…but very true. The alcoholism, sex outside of marriage, violence, divorce, and low self-worth has taken a toll on my family, but I’ve made up my mind…IT STOPS HERE (WITH ME). I plan on living an honorable life that will have an impact and change the lives of generations to come, much like the one I devote my all to…Jesus Christ.

Inspired by: Galatians 5, John Gray, and Romeo Billups

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