{Referring to Matthew 8:18-22}
So many want to follow Jesus because they think it will be convenient for them. They believe that following Him will make problems go away forever. They will not face trials, never get hurt, and everyone will just love them! Ha!
Verse 19 talks about the religious teacher who said he was going to follow Jesus. Immediately, Jesus told him what the deal was. He reassured him that he would not be walking on clouds…life would be hard because of his decision. Don’t think that following Jesus is equivalent to living the life of the rich and the famous. Don’t expect the red carpet to be rolled out for you, don’t expect everyone to welcome you with open arms.
Choosing to follow Jesus requires you to sacrifice. Most often what you’ll be sacrificing the most is your own comfort. Don’t think for one second that Christianity has the same slogan as Burger King. No, you cannot have everything your way. So yeah, Jesus had to pop home boy’s bubble real quick.
In verse 21 one of his disciples said before I follow you let me first go and bury my father. Now, you might expect Jesus to feel sorry for this guy’s lost and send him on his way, but nope! Jesus said, follow me now. Let the dead bury their own dead.
*Side Note: Am I the only one who realize that Jesus had a slick mouth? No? It’s just me? Okay (lol). Let’s proceed.
Was Jesus being blunt with this guy because he was simply heartless? No! I think in many ways we are just like these men, the disciple and the religious teacher. We desire a Christian walk that will be undemanding… unchallenging, and when we realize that it’s not, we make excuses, delaying our obedience.

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