We all say we love Jesus. Mmm…well…praise the Lord.

We all applaud, woot woot, and go wild when we here messages about

  • Him dying for us
  • Protecting us
  • Sending financial blessings our way
  • Fighting our battles
  • etc…

We love being preached at about what He’s going to do for us. It’s like our weekly shoot up, getting high and puffed up about self, self, and some more self. (I don’t understand)

No wonder so many of us struggle with obesity. No, we may not be physically overweight, but we are stuffed with the knowledge of this faith, hope, and love that the people around us are starving for. (I don’t understand)

Puffed up and jolly, we skip outta church, expensive Bible in hand and all, heading to the parking lot, into our cars we go with that worldly stuff booming, as we start bangin’ our heads to the bass as we reverse and quickly exit the church campus.

Finally back to our humble abode, we hastily place that crisp expensive Bible back in it’s rightful place, never to be touched again until it’s time to get high again, same time–same place. (I don’t understand)

So help me understand please.

You expect God to do this, that, and the other for you, but you treat Him like your crack dealer. He hears from you only when you want something. Sooo…ever thought He might want something from YOU? You go to Him with your grocery list of what He’s suppose to do barely taking a breather, quickly ending it all with “…in Jesus’ name, Amen.”  (I don’t understand)

Perhaps the definition of “relationship” needs to be redefined, cause I could have sworn I saw you post on your page that you’re not about religion, but having a relationship with Christ. Don’t knock ME down…YOU posted it, not me. I’m just sayin’. At least take it down if you don’t really mean it. It’s okay. I don’t think too many people will even notice it was removed. Cause you see, people are watching you. They are reading what you post and looking at how you choose to live your life.

Be careful what you feed yourself through your ear-gate and eye-gate, calling it entertainment. It will eventually seep out in your speech and in your conduct. Instead, choose to feed your spirit on a daily basis.

I’ve noticed many times that the whistling and hollering comes from a crowd until you mention reading the Bible. Then a staggering hush comes over the place. (I don’t understand)

How do you expect to live a victorious life lurking in the shadows of your Pastor or spiritual leader? What’s the silence about when told to crack open the Bible for yourself? Is it a bother to you to have to read about the Man who chose death so that He could possibly have the chance of having a relationship with you? The same Man who took the time to prepare a place for you so that He might have eternity with you?  (I don’t understand)

What is it about THIS place that is so enticing to you? What is so important that your own Creator has to take a backseat to it? Go ahead. Let ME know, cause a sista is curious.

Yea, uh huh…I didn’t think so.

***This is piece that is as much for me as it is for anyone else. I go through these dry seasons and I fall deeper into the entrapment of the devil and his pathetic lies. Thank God for His mercy and grace. I get back on track and try to help others not fall into the ditch I just crawled out of and it’s frustrating especially because I’d only wish someone was there to help me out of my ditch when I was in it. I’m still learning that I can only help those who want help.

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2 thoughts on “I Don’t Understand”

  1. This is excellent shaunie! I hope I and others who read this can take heed to what I’m sure the Lord is saying to us.

    1. Yes, I know it’s not the easiest thing to swallow, but it’s truth.I had to wake up and I hope others will do the same because of this.

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