

  1. They challenge you in ways that pushes you towards fulfilling your purpose and also in your daily walk with Christ.

  2. Childish games are a thing of the past. You are both able to communicate as two mature adults.

  3. There is no pressure to have sex (of any kind). They respect you and your values too much.

  4. They are open and honest about flaws and failures. (With no judgement on your part)

  5. They are respectful of your time and do not require you to selfishly give up everything for them.

  6. They come in the relationship as a whole, not looking to you to complete them.

  7. They have the understanding that making sacrifices will be vital for the growth of the relationship. (It’s a give & take.)

  8. They are comfortable in their own skin, not comparing themselves to others (or comparing you to others).

  9. They aren’t afraid to call you out on your foolishness when needed (privately, of course).

  10. They have goals and are working towards them.

  11. They include you in future plans.

  12. They love showing you off to friends and family. (If you are a secret, that’s a MAJOR red flag.)

  13. You both understand that the main goal of the relationship is to see if you are both compatible for marriage. (Don’t become content with dating around just to waste time. That’s time you will never get back. Use it wisely.)


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